Meet Our Creative Stars! ✨ Mudroom Member Spotlight: Seeley

When did you start your pottery journey?

I took a class in high school and fell in love with it but hadn’t done it in years until my partner, Luke, bought me a 6 week class at Fire Me Up for Christmas. So I started in January 2023, and I’ve signed up for sessions ever since!


What would you say got you hooked?

I love laughing on weeknights with other people in my classes, learning so much from all of them, and being inspired by them.

What’s your favorite part of the process?

When I have a finished piece haha! There’s no feeling like seeing something you’ve poured hours of your time into come out of the kiln for the last time, often cooler than the initial vision.

What advice would you give to someone learning to work with clay for the first time?advice would you give to someone learning to work with clay for the first time?

Especially on the wheel, don’t expect to come out with anything perfect at the beginning. It takes a while to get the hang of the basics, but once you lock those in, you can really start to have fun with it and make things you’d want to buy!

What keeps you coming back to Fire Me Up?

When asked what keeps her coming back to FMU, we loved her answer, “The community” and we couldn’t agree more!  “ I work remotely, so it’s so nice to have a reason to get out of the house, hang out with my pottery friends, and get to walk away with better and better pieces! 

What’s next for Seeley?

She’s embarking on a new chapter as she recently said “yes” to Luke’s proposal! She’s grateful to him for always nudging her back to her pottery passion.